Dear Content Partner,

COVID affected all our lives in more ways than one, whether it was a financial impact, a loved one, close family member or friend who sadly passed away, a relationship that was adversely affected or any other of the plethora of possible impacts it had on our lives.

It is due to this massive impact that we are launching a national initiative, in September, along with several large corporate partners, where we empower the broad population with information on how to cope with the adverse impact of COVID. This will be a free service to the public, and thus we will not be generating any income by empowering and assisting the public with any of the video’s, resources or courses which forms part of the initiative.

Although this sounds noble, we also know we are not specialists in every field, and thus decided to extend this opportunity to selected specialist companies and individuals, like you, to join us in this initiative as a content partner.

Hence the need for Content Partners.

I you would like to implore you to become part of this initiative, whether it is for the benefit of national exposure, or just as a form of altruism, then this initiative is definitely for you.

What is a content partner you may ask (The What)?

A content partner is a “partner” that provide content of value to a community of individuals and companies which were impacted by the COVID pandemic. The content can be video’s, articles and or downloadable resources. Although we would strongly advise on a video, as it usually gets higher engagement and uptake, coupled with a free download such as a checklist, or quick reference guide.  

What is in it for me and my company (The Why)?

You will get exposure to a national client footprint whether your reason is purely for awareness or as an avenue for new clients, and through all of this you know you are also impacting and assisting either individuals or companies with a means to cope or adjust to the current challenges they are struggling with. You will receive your own page and contact form which directly notifies you of anyone who would like to further engage and know more of your products and services. It is a perfect client funnel, filtering potential clients that would be interested in your products or services without the need for an initial sales pitch.

You will also be listed on our business directory with a preferential listing which ensures your company will be one of the 1st companies they notice.

What will be required from me/us you may ask (The How)?

You basically need to furnish us with the content i.e., video, article and or resources you would like to be uploaded and added. Also include, your or your company contact details to ensure any queries or further engagement is directly routed to you. You will also receive a standard content partner social media post and mailer to be distributed to your groups, pages and client and prospect lists.

Please remember that all content partners will share and distribute the same thus affording each content partner to reach the potential of all partners’ databases nationally, in addition to our and our Corporate Partner’s client and contact lists. There will also be a referral ability as part of the initiative which should ensure a constant exponential growth in site visitors maximising exposure for you.